Tuesday, March 4, 2008


Engineering education is an art of knowledge accumulation, discovery and skill building, to ultimately guide learners in turning ideas into reality. Because engagement is crucial for the process of learning, computers utilizing the expressive forms of human interactive experience can have great impacts on effective dissemination of information. In the Interactive Learning Module (ILM) project, they are developing modular multimedia materials which present the principles and practice of design and manufacturing. Using interactive design tools, multimedia case studies, challenging simulation games, and interactive tutorials, the user explores the activities of product development emphasizing the integration of design, manufacturing, and marketing concepts.


Nowadays, we can see that the ICT application is the most important parts of engineering education. In this technological era, engineering education can’t be done without ICT application. Imagine that the engineer used to draw the project manually using their hand. It will take a very long time and the measurements in the drawing are not too accurate. This problem can be avoided if the engineer use the ICT application. In this case, they can use Auto Cad for accurate measurements in drawing and the tidy works. One more example, imagine that the engineer should count many numbers by themselves manually. Maybe the engineer will be ‘crazy’ because of that numbers. So, we can conclude that ICT applications and engineering education has their own nd strong relationship that we can’t deny.


Every works that we done must have their own objectives. The works will only can be categorized as successful if the objectives had achieved successfully. In this case, ICT application is used in engineering education to make the works become more easier. With ICT application, all information can be achieved only on the fingertips. The next objective is ICT applications help us to produce the products that have high quality. If we make the product manually, maybe the quality is not better than the product that had been produced using ICT applications such as machines and other program. Using ICT applications, we are also can produce extraordinary products that can’t be done by ordinary people. As an ordinary people, our potential to produce something has the limit but using ICT applications, anything that we don’t expect can be done easily. We are also can communicate with others that live far from us or live in other country. With this way, we can share anything with them. Next objective is we can produce many products in shorter period of time that we can’t do by ourselves.

About the assignment

· To expose students on how to conduct research and produce the paper work

· To make students get use with the practical way to present their work.

· To encourage students teamwork morale in completing this assignment.

About this research

· Creation of the infrastructure necessary to deliver manufacturing related course material on-site at industry facilities through self-study interactive courses.

· Enhancement of new and existing manufacturing curricula through the addition of self-paced nontraditional interactive educational software.

· Demonstration of the effectiveness of learning theory centered multimedia-based instruction across the entire manufacturing education curriculum.

· Support faculty in the creation and use of educational technologies for manufacturing education.

· To develop modular interactive learning materials for manufacturing education, and demonstrate their effectiveness in both university curricula and industrial training programs.

· To convey to engineers and managers the experience and principles of strategy and decision making focusing on the interrelationships among design, manufacturing, and marketing.

· To provide engineers and managers with a better understanding of the interrelationship between design and manufacturing and the constraints and demands of global markets.


In order to realize ICT applications in engineering education, the government should reveal the machines that been used and their applications to students through some subject such as living skill. Then, they would also build more training centre for youth such as Institut Kemahiran Belia Negara, Insttitut Latihan Perindustrian, Community College and many more. By this way, the youth can learn how to use the machine. This will be revealed to them after they had finished their study in school. Another way is using latest machines totally in factories and workplaces. Besides using the latest machines, the youth should be revealed with the latest technology during their studies. The government also should give encourages to students so that they can produce something new related to ICT applications. In this case, the best country to be the example is Japan. Lastly, the Ministry of Education should legislate new syllabus about machines usage for engineering students.


For this part, we will give the example of ICT applications in engineering education. Our first example is car. Car manufactured give us big impact in our daily life. Using the car, we can travel everywhere easily. It also makes us able to travel faster. For example, if we are in Alor Setar, Kedah and want to go to Seremban, Negeri Sembilan, we just take 6 hours when we travel by using the car. Besides that, we can go everywhere with our friends or family together. If we compare the car and the motorcycle, we just can travel with one passenger only while if we use car, we can travel with 5 or 6 passengers. So, our journey will be more interesting. Our next example is moldings machine. These machines make us able to design the product easily. We just set the shape, material that we want to use and the size, the product that had produced will be in front of us according to that information. Using the mold, we will be able to produce the same product with the same size and shape. Then, the example is cutting machine. This machine can be used to cut the work piece made by melt easily. We just put the work piece on the machine and with just one button, the work piece will be cut. So, that’s all the example for the result if we apply the ICT in engineering education.


As the conclusion, ICT application makes our life become easier. Using ICT, we can produce the products that have high quality. So, our product will attract people to have it.ICT application also is one of the most important part in engineering education. Without that application, maybe engineering education can’t be done successfully. In the other word, the ICT application is the most important element in engineering. If we not apply the ICT, we will have the problem that we create by ourselves because blindness about ICT. For example our course, manufacturing, we use ICT application to produce item that impossible to do using man power such as stamp car. The other example is machine ICT. This machine can detect wrong insert in connecter because it check the electrical flow in the wire. Lastly, we can conclude that ICT can affect our lives in the future.


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